Thursday, June 17, 2010


I finally tried Durian. Smells like hell, and tastes like hell as well. GROSS!!!! I know why it smells so bad now, because it tastes bad too. Just the fruits way of warning you not to eat it. The office ladies sent some home with Brian so we could taste it. They wrapped it in two plastic mailing envelopes, that were taped shut and in two Tupperware containers and a Safeway sack on top of that. You could still smell it when he brought it into the house. The smell is so overwhelming you can smell it when someone opens the fridge. Durian is totally banned from hotels here. Like a dog, if they catch you with one they will fine you. There is no way to hide the smell. You can even tell when your neighbors are eating it. Lyn says it is an acquired taste. I definitely have not acquired the taste. She said she had to eat it a lot before she liked it. I don't think I will try it again. Brian on the other hand want to try it all different ways to see if there is a way that he likes it as well. Good luck Brian, just don't breathe on me. :)


  1. Gross. That would probably send me over the edge about now :)

  2. At least you can say you tried it and just before you left the country! :)
