Sunday, April 12, 2009

Super Cute Mya

Okay, can I tell you I understand the blog idea. I told Lindsay that I was never going to be able to find things to blog about. But, I have kids and so therefore I have something to blog about. Can I show you my Mya. I think she is probably the cutest little girl there will ever be. The first video is of her playing peek-a-boo. Don't you love the arms straight over the head! The second is her grabbing things. She is fast as lightning. Anything that gets even relatively close to her gets into her teeny tiny hands! I love her!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Go fly a kite

We decided that we would take advantage of the WINDY days we have been having, so, we got Cannon a kite. It looks like a really cool fighter jet. Well, we took it to the park to fly it, not pulling it out of the box before we got there. Needless to say an hour and a half later we got it to fly. It was the hardest to assemble thing in the world. Leave to the box to say,"quick and easy assembly." Cannon was so bored of being at the park that he flew the kite long enough for us to get a couple of pictures and he was ready to go.

Mya has started eating real food, well gross baby food. Anyhow this has been a big puzzle for Cannon. He has not figured out why she keeps getting all these cool new things. Not new, but new to him. I got the bumbo out to start feeding Mya in and Cannon insisted on having one for himself as well. Luckily we have two, (one at Nana's and one at home.) He has to have his bumbo touching Mya's bumbo and he talks to her while she eats. This is great except for when he taught her to blow raspberries while eating. It was only a matter of time before she taught herself. He also like to sit in the high chair now to eat. He has a booster at the table, but the high chair is so much cooler. I am hoping this wears off soon so that Mya can start using the high chair. I'm sure she would enjoy it!