Sunday, November 8, 2009


Halloween was so much fun this year, because Cannon was so into it. He wanted the front porch decked out in lights and pumpkins. Thanks to Nana, he got his wish. For his costume Cannon wanted to be Max from, "Where the Wild Things Are." He wanted to have terrible claws, that was the most important thing to him. He wanted Mya to be a Wild Thing. It took me a while to make it, but it turned out great!!

Cannon and Mya

I thought I would put some pictures in of Cannon and Mya they are so cute with each other. (Most of the time!!) They do have their moments. Cuties!!!

Mya's Birthday

Can you believe it! Mya is one! The year flew by so quickly. She is walking and is cutting 6 teeth at the same time. Oh, the joys of the first year. Cannon decided that she needed a butterfly birthday cake. I had already made cupcakes, and so we turned the cupcakes into a butterfly. I think it turned out alright. She got a stroller walker to push around her baby. She is so sweet with the baby, feeding her and carrying her around. She is not extremely careful, but very sweet.

Mya's Favorite Thing

Mya's favorite thing is to put everything on her head before she eats it. It makes for very messy meals. She grins from ear to ear when she get things to balance on her head. Then getting it off and into her mouth is when it get squashed! Yuck!

Cannon's Birthday

Cannon turned three this year. He wanted to have a birthday cake that was chocolate and blue. This turned into, I want Pablo for my birthday." For those of you who don't speak Backyardian that is Pablo the Penguin from the TV show The Backyardians. His only other request was that everyone wear party hats. Thanks to everyone who came and donned on the party hats. Cannon received lots of great presents including his first two wheel bike. He is in his own words, "Gettin' big."

Camping with the Howards

We have friends named the Howards. We took them to Mom and Dad's house and slept out in the woods. Well, they and Brian and Cannon slept outside. Mya and I slept in the house. It was a little to cold for Little Mya! We had fun having a camp fire, eating marshmallows.

Cannon's First Day of School

Cannon started pre-school at the beginning of August. He goes one day a week, Tuesday morning from 9 to 1. He LOVES it! His teacher's name is Ms. Bobbi and her assistant is Ms. Carmen. He always looks forward to Tuesdays.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Few Summer Things

We spent a little time at the lake this summer. It never got warm enough, for long enough. This is Cannon "pushing" Gene and Brian into Chatfield. He had a hard time getting into the cold water after Lake Powell. He asks when we load up the boat if we can go back to the hot lake. Oh we wish!!!

Cannon loves to help his Dad. Whatever Dad can do so can he. I am always amazed by Brian's patience. Things that would take him thirty minutes take hours with Cannons help. Like Father like Son!

Cannon traded in his binky (Be-be) for a red scooter! Congraulations Cannon!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lake Powell

Lake Powell was once again awesome this year! It is Cannon's new favorite place to be. I have asked him what he wants to do for the day and he says,"go to Lake Powell." He is potty trained (yea!!!) and spent most of the time on the boat running around without pants on, cause "he needs to pee!!" He successfully peed off of rocks, the houseboat, the speedboat and the beach. He is such a man. He was pretty stoked! Cannon and I also took a spill off of the Ion, which he told everyone, "he shot off like a rocket!" It was really not a big deal, but way to hold on Julie. Needless to say I'm not sure how long it will be before he goes again. Mya was fabulous! and even took naps in the houseboat in Jack's bed. She slept GREAT at night. She loved the water as long as it didn't come above her knees. But was mostly happy to stay in the houseboat and chill out under the swamp cooler. Thanks to Mom and Lindsay I even got out to wakeboard a couple of times! Brian is awesome on the wakeboard and loved the trip, he is already trying to plan another trip for later this year. He just can't get enough.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cannon's Big Boy Bed

Don't you wish that the little things in life still made you so happy you couldn't go to sleep. That is happening to Cannon right now. A week ago when Brian was out of town Cannon walked into my room at 6:00 in the morning and said, "What ya doing Mom?" I of course was dead asleep. After I climbed off the ceiling, I said, "How did you get in here." Cannon said, "I climbed out of my crib, Mom!" Like duh what were you thinking! So tonight Cannon is sleeping in his very own big boy bed. Not just any bed but a Lightening McQueen race car bed! Who knows if anyone will get sleep tonight!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Super Cute Mya

Okay, can I tell you I understand the blog idea. I told Lindsay that I was never going to be able to find things to blog about. But, I have kids and so therefore I have something to blog about. Can I show you my Mya. I think she is probably the cutest little girl there will ever be. The first video is of her playing peek-a-boo. Don't you love the arms straight over the head! The second is her grabbing things. She is fast as lightning. Anything that gets even relatively close to her gets into her teeny tiny hands! I love her!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Go fly a kite

We decided that we would take advantage of the WINDY days we have been having, so, we got Cannon a kite. It looks like a really cool fighter jet. Well, we took it to the park to fly it, not pulling it out of the box before we got there. Needless to say an hour and a half later we got it to fly. It was the hardest to assemble thing in the world. Leave to the box to say,"quick and easy assembly." Cannon was so bored of being at the park that he flew the kite long enough for us to get a couple of pictures and he was ready to go.

Mya has started eating real food, well gross baby food. Anyhow this has been a big puzzle for Cannon. He has not figured out why she keeps getting all these cool new things. Not new, but new to him. I got the bumbo out to start feeding Mya in and Cannon insisted on having one for himself as well. Luckily we have two, (one at Nana's and one at home.) He has to have his bumbo touching Mya's bumbo and he talks to her while she eats. This is great except for when he taught her to blow raspberries while eating. It was only a matter of time before she taught herself. He also like to sit in the high chair now to eat. He has a booster at the table, but the high chair is so much cooler. I am hoping this wears off soon so that Mya can start using the high chair. I'm sure she would enjoy it!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mya is rolling, rolling ,rolling

Mya is rolling off of her stomach. The words "tummy time" is like swear words to the Farnsworth children. They have both figured out how to get off of their stomachs as fast as they can. Cannon likes to roll over the top of Mya, while showing us that he can roll over. We will be waiting a while for her to want to roll onto her stomach. ENJOY!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where "Say It, Mom!" comes from

"Say it! Mom" is a phase that is shouted often in my house. It is then followed by a "Say it slowly," then a "Say it faster", then a "Say it louder." Cannon likes to have you repeat to him what he has said to you, and then it becomes a game. This equals me saying a phase like "There are clouds today" about a hundred times slowly, faster, and louder. When we are driving in the car and Cannon sees something interesting he will say, "Look, there is a school bus." and I will say, I see it." That is followed by a, "Say it, Mom!" shouted loudly. Then I will repeat, There is a school bus." and so on. Brian and I have started doing this to one another to make sure that we hear what the other is saying.